The One Minute Manager: A Comprehensive Review

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The One Minute Manager Book Review

The One Minute Manager is a book written by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson that has become a classic in the world of management literature. First published in 1982, the book has sold millions of copies worldwide and has been translated into dozens of languages. It is a short and easy-to-read book that offers practical advice for managers who want to improve their leadership skills and achieve better results.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive review of The One Minute Manager, highlighting its key takeaways and analyzing its strengths and weaknesses. Whether you are a seasoned manager or a new one, this book can help you become a more effective leader and build a more productive team.

Key Takeaways: A Comprehensive Analysis of The One Minute Manager

The Three Secrets of One Minute Management

The One Minute Manager is based on three simple but powerful secrets that can help managers achieve better results in less time. The first secret is to set one-minute goals, which means defining clear and specific objectives that can be achieved within a short period of time. The second secret is to give one-minute praises, which means recognizing and praising employees for their achievements and contributions. The third secret is to give one-minute reprimands, which means correcting employees’ mistakes and behaviors in a constructive way.

These three secrets are the foundation of One Minute Management, and they can help managers create a positive and productive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated.

The Importance of Leadership Styles

The One Minute Manager also emphasizes the importance of leadership styles and how they can affect employees’ performance and satisfaction. The book describes four leadership styles: directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating. Each style has its own strengths and weaknesses, and managers need to choose the right style depending on the situation and the employee’s needs.

For example, a new employee may need more direction and coaching, while a more experienced employee may need more support and delegation. By understanding the different leadership styles and using them appropriately, managers can build stronger relationships with their employees and help them achieve their full potential.

The Power of One Minute Re-Directs

One of the most valuable lessons of The One Minute Manager is the concept of one minute re-directs. This means correcting employees’ mistakes and behaviors in a timely and constructive way, before they become bigger problems. By giving one minute re-directs, managers can help employees learn from their mistakes and improve their performance, without damaging their self-esteem or morale.

One minute re-directs are not about blaming or criticizing employees, but about guiding them towards better results and behaviors. They are a powerful tool for building trust and respect between managers and employees, and for creating a culture of continuous improvement.

The Limitations of One Minute Management

While The One Minute Manager offers many valuable insights and techniques for effective management, it also has some limitations. One of the main criticisms of the book is that it oversimplifies the complex nature of leadership and management. The three secrets of one minute management may work well in some situations, but they may not be enough to address more complex issues or challenges.

Moreover, the book focuses mainly on the manager’s perspective, without taking into account the employees’ point of view. It assumes that employees are motivated by praise and reprimands, and that they are willing to follow their manager’s directions without questioning them. In reality, employees have their own goals, values, and motivations, and managers need to understand and respect them in order to build a truly collaborative and productive team.

The Relevance of One Minute Management Today

Despite its limitations, The One Minute Manager remains a relevant and useful book for managers who want to improve their leadership skills and build a more effective team. Its practical and straightforward advice can help managers overcome common challenges such as lack of motivation, poor communication, and low productivity.

Moreover, the book’s emphasis on positive reinforcement and continuous improvement aligns with modern management theories and practices, such as agile management, servant leadership, and growth mindset. By adopting the principles of one minute management, managers can create a culture of excellence and innovation that benefits both the organization and its employees.


In conclusion, The One Minute Manager is a classic book that offers valuable insights and techniques for effective management. Its three secrets of one minute management, leadership styles, and one minute re-directs can help managers become more productive, efficient, and empathetic leaders. While the book has some limitations, it remains relevant and useful for managers who want to build a more positive and productive work environment. If you haven’t read it yet, we highly recommend it.

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